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NYC Immigration Attorney on Fake Immigration Lawyers

NYC Immigration Attorney Advice

Time and again, you see in the news where someone is arrested for posing as an immigration attorney and bilking people out of thousands of dollars. Sometimes tens of thousands. As a legitimate NYC immigration attorney, I find this sort of thing deplorable. It is another example of people taking advantage of an uninformed group to further their own selfish ends. This can lead to serious consequences for the victims as well.

How to find a legitimate NYC Immigration Attorney

The first step in finding a legitimate NYC immigration attorney is to do a search with the New York State Court System. You can do that here. This will at least ensure that you are dealing with an attorney, and not just someone posing as one. But does that make them an immigration specialist? The answer is no. That being said, what is the next step?

Researching Your NYC Immigration Attorney

Once you have found that the person is actually an attorney, you will still want to do some research on them and see what areas they specialize in, not just that they are an attorney. An NYC immigration attorney should have a website that you can look at and see what their area of expertise are. If you do not see immigration on their site, you can bet that they have no experience in this area. Do you want to trust your future and the future of your family to someone who has no experience in immigration? That would hardly be prudent.

What to do next

You have found an attorney who is actually an attorney. You have looked at their website and seen that they have immigration experience. What next? Call their office and get more information, either over the phone or with a free in office consultation. Ask for their credentials. Where did they go to school? How many immigration cases have they handled in the past and what were the results? An NYC immigration attorney who actively handles immigration cases with good results will be more than happy to share this information with you. While past results do not guarantee future results, they are an excellent indicator for you in your case. Put your mind at ease with a real NYC immigration attorney and call our office today.