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Am I Eligible for Asylum? A Guide by New York Immigration Lawyers at Pozo Goldstein, LLP

NY asylum seeker

The United States has long been a beacon of hope for those fleeing persecution and seeking a safer life. As an NY asylum seeker, you might have asked yourself, “Am I eligible for asylum?” The experienced New York immigration lawyers at Pozo Goldstein, LLP can help guide you through the complex process of seeking asylum in the United States.

Firstly, let’s understand what asylum means. Asylum is a form of protection granted by the United States to individuals who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted due to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion in their native country.

Eligibility for Asylum

To qualify for asylum, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Persecution or Well-founded Fear: You must be able to demonstrate that you have been persecuted in the past or have a well-founded fear of future persecution. This fear must be reasonable and credible, not merely speculative or imagined.
  2. Protected Grounds: The persecution you have faced, or fear, must be connected to one of five protected grounds – your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. The last category is often broadly interpreted and can include sexual orientation, gender identity, or other inherent characteristics that a person cannot change or should not be expected to change.
  3. Unable or Unwilling to Return: You must show that you are unable or unwilling to return to your country because of the persecution or the well-founded fear of persecution.

However, determining your eligibility can be complicated. An expert New York immigration lawyer at Pozo Goldstein, LLP can assess your case based on these criteria and the nuances of your individual situation.

Filing for Asylum

You can apply for asylum at the port of entry (airport, seaport, or border crossing), or within one year of your arrival in the U.S., unless you qualify for an exception based on extraordinary circumstances or changed circumstances in your home country that affect your eligibility for asylum. Pozo Goldstein’s experienced team can guide you through this time-sensitive process, ensuring you meet all deadlines and criteria.

What If I’m in Deportation Proceedings?

Even if you’re in deportation proceedings, you still have the right to apply for asylum. In such cases, you’re involved in what’s called “defensive asylum” proceedings. You can claim asylum as a defense against removal from the U.S. Our New York immigration lawyers at Pozo Goldstein, LLP, who have extensive experience with defensive asylum cases, will advocate for you and present your case compellingly in immigration court.

Benefits of Asylum

Once granted asylum, you can apply for a Social Security card, request permission to work in the U.S., and eventually apply for a green card (permanent residence). In addition, you’ll be entitled to certain government benefits and, after a certain period, you can apply to bring your family to the U.S.

Pozo Goldstein, LLP: Your Advocates for Asylum

Navigating asylum laws in the United States can be challenging. The stakes are high and the process often overwhelming. But you don’t have to face this daunting journey alone. At Pozo Goldstein, LLP, our team of former immigration prosecutors and a former judge provides unique insights into the asylum process. We will passionately advocate for your rights, bringing our extensive experience and deep knowledge of immigration law to bear on your case.

Remember, every asylum case is unique. Our experienced New York immigration lawyers will provide a personalized strategy tailored to your specific circumstances. We pride ourselves on offering compassionate, comprehensive services to our clients, fully understanding the gravity and emotional toll of the situation.

Legal Help for a NY Asylum Seeker

As an NY asylum seeker, determining your eligibility for asylum can be intricate and complex. You need a trusted partner to navigate the process. Pozo Goldstein, LLP has the expertise, experience, and commitment to help you seek the protection you deserve.

If you or a loved one is seeking asylum, please don’t hesitate to contact Pozo Goldstein, LLP today. Our New York immigration lawyers are ready to guide you through this process and ensure your case is presented in the most compelling way. Let us help you build a new, secure future in the United States. Call Pozo Goldstein, LLP today at (212) 201-9031.