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Deferred Enforced Departure

Deferred Enforced Departure can be complicated to understand. Our immigration attorneys are waiting to answer any questions you may have.

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is a type of coverage permitted to certain immigrants, of whom will not be subjected to removal or deportation from the United States. DED is executed under the discretion of the President of the United States as part of his power to conduct matters related to foreign relations. Deferred Enforced Departure is not a specific immigration status, and as such, it is often designated to be effective for only a certain amount of time.

Is DED an option for you?

The eligibility requirements for DED are predicated upon terms that are established by the President in an official directive. This presidential directive can also be supplemented with the reigning requirements that have already been established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. For specific information about your eligibility for DED, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website can be accessed. On the USCIS site, more information is provided about specific countries covered under DED. To access this information,click here. You can also speak with a New York immigration attorney at our office for additional information and interpretation.

Working in the U.S. Under DED

Work authorization is sometimes allotted to immigrations who are eligible to benefit from DED. If work authorization has been included as a benefit of your country, a work authorization filing Form I-765 must be requested and completed accordingly. At this time, it might also be necessary for the Department of Homeland Security to issue an automatic extension of your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) in order to ensure that it does not expire as you fulfill the work benefits provided to you as a DED beneficiary.

Working in the U.S., or in New York specifically, as a beneficiary of DED requires that you provide your employer with a hard copy of the Federal Register notice along with your DED-related EAD that has already expired. The Federal Register notice will serve as substantial evidence of the extended validity of your EAD, thus allowing you and your employer to feel secure in the work being completed for his or her business. At Pozo Goldstein, LLP, we can further explain the details of this process to both DED immigrant employees as well as the employers for whom they are working. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Work with a New York Immigration Lawyer

If you are currently residing in New York as an alien, we urge you to contact our office immediately. Combined, our professional team has more than 90 years of experience working in the field of immigration law. In fact, our team includes a former judge as well as former immigration prosecutors. Together, the efforts that we are committed to investing to the cases we represent in New York encompass a wealth of knowledge and a multitude of professional experiences that can be applied to understanding and handling your case.

Deferred Enforced Departure can be a complicated process to understand, especially if you are not familiar with immigration laws to the extent that a professional attorney would be. That being said, there is much benefit to be found in working with a legal team as you attempt to understand DED and your eligibility for the benefits that come along with it. Our immigration attorneys make themselves available 24/7 to provide you with the legal help you need, right when you need it. Don’t wait to contact Pozo Goldstein, LLP today to learn more about DED and your case.