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Court of Appeals Ruling Offers New Hope for New York Immigrants

New York Immigrants

A recent decision by the New York Court of Appeals could provide added help for immigrants who have been charged with criminal offenses. According to the opinion delivered by Judge Leslie E. Stein, immigrants have the right to a jury trial even if their case would not rise to the level that normally would require that. In the state of New York, cases involving crimes that are punishable by less than six months prison time are tried by judges rather than juries. Because deportation is typically on the table for immigrants accused of these less serious crimes, however, Judge Stein ruled that these individuals can request a jury trial to prevent the long-term negative effects of a conviction on their records.

Championing the Rights of Immigrants

By providing immigrants with the opportunity to have their cases heard by a jury of their peers, New York State is continuing its tradition of protecting the rights of legal and undocumented immigrants within its borders. The new ruling is expected to go to the U.S. Supreme Court at some point in the near future, which could have an effect on the policies currently in place in eight other states and in the District of Columbia.

Avoiding the Risk of Deportation

The new ruling handed down by the court will provide added options for undocumented immigrants who have been charged with petty crimes. Seeking the legal counsel of a qualified New York immigration lawyer can be a solid step toward resolving legal issues and ensuring the best possible outcomes for you and your family. The immigration services offered by New York immigration lawyers can streamline the legal process and provide you with the expertise you need to resolve problems with visas and other immigration issues in our area.

Why You Need Legal Counsel

Working with an experienced New York immigration lawyer can ensure that all paperwork is completed properly and that all deadlines are met for visa applications and other immigration matters. This can help you to manage these requirements in the most effective and practical way to resolve your immigration issues quickly.

The immigration experts at Pozo Goldstein can provide you with assertive representation for your case. With two former immigration prosecuting attorneys and a former judge on our team, we can deliver the most effective strategies and solutions for you and your family. Call us today at 212-201-9031 to schedule a free initial consultation with us. We look forward to the chance to serve you.