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New York City and State File Suit Against Trump’s Justice Department

Permanent Residency

New York City and the state of New York filed suit against the U.S. Department of Justice on July 18, 2018, citing attempts on the part of the federal government to force compliance with immigration laws by withholding funding for public safety. It is estimated that the Justice Department has refused to release grant money totaling approximately $9 million in funding to law enforcement agencies in the city and state of New York since 2017. This has placed a severe burden on these agencies, which have used the funds to enhance their record systems, create initiatives to stop gun violence and to combat drug abuse.

Unlawful Efforts

The filing by the city and state of New York cites the “unlawful efforts” of the federal government and specifically the Justice Department to coerce cooperation with immigration officials in locating and detaining undocumented immigrants. New York City is a noted sanctuary city that offers significant protections for legal and undocumented immigrants, making it a target of opportunity for the Justice Department and its threatened actions. The lawsuit states that the Trump administration and federal agencies do not have the right to force local law enforcement officials to act as immigration agents during the course of their regular duties.

Protecting Immigrants in the Big Apple

While the policies in place in New York City do offer some protection for undocumented immigrants and their families, working with a qualified New York immigration lawyer is often the best way to resolve issues and to prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies from detaining and pursuing deportation proceedings against vulnerable individuals. By taking steps to obtain the correct visas and to achieve lawful permanent residency status, your New York immigration lawyer can provide you with greater peace of mind and improved prospects for your future in the U.S.

Seeking Permanent Residency?

If you require the services of an experienced and knowledgeable New York immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the right options for your situation. With two former immigration prosecutors and a former judge as part of our team, we can provide you with the right representation for your case. Call our offices today at 212-201-9031 to schedule a free in-office consultation with our team of legal experts. We look forward to the chance to work with you and your family to resolve your immigration issues and to allow you to enjoy your own chance at the American dream.